On March 5, 2012 I had the pleasure of travelling to rural East Central Alberta to a town called Coronation to share the learning on the topic of technology in education. I was asked to present some different topics on technology to students, teachers and parents. I began my day working with Grade 8 students on blogging using the site www.kidblog.org I briefly explained blogging to the students, and Mrs. A, the classroom teacher, was the observer and learner in the background. Once the students had the chance to begin blogging, the fun began. They were truly engaged. Of course with learning something new, the students may or may not have blogged with purpose, but the experience and ease of set up was a hit with Mrs. A. Once the trial blog session was over, Mrs. A created her real classroom blog in approximately 10 minutes. The best part for her was that the site is secure, she is in control of posts and comments and she can allow more freedom if students earn it. Blogging promotes literacy, assessment for learning, 21st Century skills and digital citizenship. Thank you Mrs. A for allowing me to work with your Grade 8 class.
Next was an iPad apps for education session with a small group. We shared apps that are being used among us. It is always difficult suggesting apps because it depends on the learner and the classroom.
Third was a Digital Citizenship presentation for parents at a luncheon. It was great seeing around 15 parents show up. Bring food and they shall come. My presentation is called Technology: The Good, Bad and the Ugly. I presented through video and many parents in this rural town are nervous about the dangers. One question asked was on advice in raising their kids. My advice to all parents is to be a good role model in using technology and have a strong relationship with your kids. Many parents use technology as a babysitting tool and do not monitor their kids use. This is when inappropriate use or contact with online predators usually occur. Stay connected with your kids and set boundaries.
I repeated my presentation on Digital Citizenship with Grade 9 students in the afternoon. The students really enjoyed the video clips of the positive sides to technology. The Sophia Grace and Rosie YouTube videos YouTube video was a big hit. When presenting to junior high I always try to caution about once something is posted it can be there forever. The consequences of cyberbullying was seen by showing the Ryan Halligan Story to the Grade 9's. I always get choked up thinking this could easily be my son. The students were a great audience and very respectful. Thanks Grade 9.
My final session of the busy day was a TLC (Technology Leadership Coordinator)Web 2.0 SMACKDOWN. Usually these sessions are information overload for teachers, but there were many questions asked and I stressed that it is not about the tools but about the learning. I would say that out of all the free tools online that blogging with students reaps the greatest benefits. Literacy, effective feedback, 21st Century Skills and digital citizenship can be accomplished through a classroom blog.
Things I can take back to my District in Medicine Hat include learning about a dual platform in a rural school. Coronation School runs both Mac and PC computers and teachers enjoy the choice. Some like the PC and others like the Mac. IPads are being used as well but mainly for assistive technology. Coronation has a great computer to student ratio 1:2. Credit earned units in high school classes help this ratio exist.
All teachers have a Macbook Pro supplied by the school. Digital learning and motivation to learn new ways to integrate technology by teachers was evident during my stay.

Lastly, I do thank Sharalynn Anderson for asking me to present in Coronation, Cam Brown and family for allowing me to stay at their acreage, the staff, parents and students at Coronation for the kindness and learning I can take back from my time at Coronation School. I love my job in that I can help stakeholders embrace technology and in the process, also deepen my learning.